Hedgerow Heroes

Wild Oxfordshire have teamed up with CPRE to deliver Hedgerow Heroes projects within Oxfordshire. Hedgerow Heroes is a three-year national campaign funded by CPRE (Campaign to Protect of Rural England) which aims to expand the hedgerow network across the country, rejuvenate unhealthy hedgerows, and empower communities to take action for nature on their patch.

Why is this important?

Why is this important?

Hedgerows are an archetypal feature in the British landscape, decorating the patchwork of small fields in the countryside. Historically, the purpose of these hedgerows was for stock proof fencing yet today we recognise a plethora of benefits that hedgerows provide.

Hedgerows are extremely vital for biodiversity. They have become essential wildlife corridors and provide food, shelter, and nesting locations for a wide variety of animals. Hedgerows benefit the farming community too. They provide shade for livestock grazing in pasture, protect crops from high winds, increase pollination and modulate crop pests. Hedgerows are becoming ever more important in the face of climate change as they suck carbon from the atmosphere, regulate water during flood and drought events and provide a renewable source of fuel.

Over recent decades much of our hedgerows have been improperly managed or removed from the countryside completely. Consequently, there is a need to replace lost hedgerow and improve their condition so we can reap the benefits along with the birds, bugs, and bees!

Introducing Hedgerow Heroes 2024/2025

Hedgerow Heroes is a three-year national campaign funded by CPRE (Campaign to Protect of Rural England) which aims to expand the hedgerow network across the country, rejuvenate unhealthy hedgerows, and empower communities to take action for nature on their patch.

For the third year of the campaign, Wild Oxfordshire teamed up with CPRE Oxfordshire to deliver Oxfordshire’s Hedgerow Heroes.  Last year (2023/24) we had 13 communities on board including:

  • Dorchester-on-Thames
  • Ewelme
  • Upper Heyford
  • Kidlington
  • Witney
  • Great Haseley
  • Wootton by Woodstock
  • Eynsham
  • Long Wittenham
  • Kelmscott Manor
  • Cumnor C of E Primary School
  • Harwell
  • Hill End Outdoor Education Centre

Wild Oxfordshire’s Hedgerow Officer worked closely with a small group of volunteers (project leads) within each location to develop and carry out bespoke hedgerow projects. Throughout the autumn and winter months nearly 400 people collectively rejuvenated 500m of hedgerow and planted over 2.5km of new hedgerow which built on the success of the first phase of Oxfordshire’s Hedgerow Heroes.

This project is funded by CPRE.

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Previous Hedgerow Heroes projects

Back in 2021/22 Wild Oxfordshire was involved in the very first year of HH. Volunteers in Watlington, Eynsham and Kidlington planted 1.7 km of new hedgerow, restored 480m of hedgerow and captivated 550 people in the process (CPRE Phase 1 Hedgerow Heroes report). You can read more about these projects in our blog or simply take a glimpse by watching the short film below, created by local film maker Nicola Schafer.  


One aim of Hedgerow Heroes is to increase local knowledge on hedgerows and their management. Wild Oxfordshire partnered with Wychwood Forest Trust (Wychwood Forest Trust | Nature Conservation | West Oxfordshire) to deliver four hedgelaying training workshops. Our aspiration is to equip members of the public with the necessary skills and knowledge so they can properly manage hedgerows within their own community.

Future years: how you can get involved

We are always keen to hear from anyone who wants to do more for hedgerows in the Oxfordshire landscape. If you and your local community would be interested in participating in Hedgerow Heroes, please contact: Jessica Bouwer. See our guidance for ways you can help hedgerow habitat in your neighbourhood.

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