For more than 30 years, Wild Oxfordshire has played the unique and critical role of convening and working at different scales and with a wide variety of people and organisations to tackle the biodiversity and climate crises across the County.
Wild Oxfordshire’s ethos is that by bringing folks together the solutions will be better than when people work in isolation, and this approach is at the heart of its activities.
Our wonderful trustees and staff team put their hearts and souls into working with many people and enabling them to take action for nature.
Thank you to everyone who works with us - together we will achieve nature's recovery in Oxfordshire.
The awards will be announced on 17th October, so watch this space! Oxford Climate Awards
Our team are always so busy that it's tricky to get a photo of all of us in the same place at the same time! Here's a photo of half the team, but look out for all the team on our website, in our mini-movies, and all across Oxfordshire.