
Thinking of planting a hedge? All the guidance you need is here

Hedgerow Surveying

Assessing the condition of a hedgerow is important to understand what management it requires. The People’s Trust for Endangered Species (PTES) have developed two ways in which you can survey your hedgerow (PTES Hedgerow Surveying Techniques). The Great British Hedgerow Survey is for volunteers, community groups, and wildlife groups. The HealthyHedgerows App is for landowners and farmers, providing rapid assessment and instant management options.

Both surveys take approximately 20 minutes and can be done any time of year. The results will provide instant tailored management advice which not only provides the surveyor with an appreciation of the hedgerow habitat they are interested in, but also paints a picture of the condition of our hedgerows nationally.  

1) The Great British Hedgerow Survey - The Great British HedgerowSurvey (ptes.org)

  •  Aimed at volunteers, community groups and wildlife groups

  • Submit an online survey about your hedgerow on the PTES website. All submitted data can be accessed on their website

  • Assesses the condition of the hedgerow according to the online survey submitted

  •  Instant tailored feedback and management advice for your hedgerow given

  • Takes approximately 20 minutes

  • Aim to do this survey April – October so floral species can be identified

2) Hedgerows App - Healthy Hedgerows App(ptes.org)

  • Aimed at landowners and farmers

  • Rapid assessment

  • Places each hedge surveyed in the hedgerow lifecycle (based on the Adams HedgerowManagement Scale - Hedge Structures (ptes.org))

  • Gives instant management options

  • Can be done any time of year – no flora is surveyed

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