New tree planting project at Blenheim Estate

Community case studies


At Blenheim Estate we believe that the benefits of our land reach far beyond our boundaries which is why we are breaking ground to create new woodlands for future generations.

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More than 270,000trees will be incorporated into the new woodlands and cover a total of
138 hectares of land which is marginal for food production and at high risk ofsoil erosion. Among the 28species of trees to be planted will be saplings grown from acorns collected inour very own High Park, which is proudlyhome to the highestnumber of ancient oak trees in Europe.The woods will also feature a total of 15.5 km of new public footpaths and anew site for forest schools andeducation. Planting is due to start later this year and the woodlands willsequester  25,000tonnes of carbonas part of a 25-yearprogramme.

Our partners,Morgan Sindall, are helping us fund, design and createthe woodlands, in collaboration with the Forest Canopy Foundation and Grown in Britain.

This is one of our earlysteps to becoming the first carbon-negative estate by protecting and sharing the benefits of the Britishcountryside.

“Having worked with Wild Oxfordshire fornearly 10 years, supporting their work locally in the Evenlode Catchmentand across the county first in the State of Nature Report, we are delightedthat our woodland plans will help towards Oxfordshire’s Nature RecoveryNetwork co-ordinated by Wild Oxfordshire.”

Roy Cox, Blenheim

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