Wild Oxfordshire's Linking Up for Nature: Hedgerows and Verges Conference
Book your place here!
A day celebrating our natural corridors! We hope that the presentations and guided walks will stimulate questions and discussion. We would also like to offer the opportunity to give an update of your own. Maybe you would like to talk about a new project you have been involved with. There will be 7 five minute slots available during the ‘Round Table of Updates’ for those who would like to give an update. Please email Jessica if you would like to provide an update.
Display boards: We have 20 spots for display boards. Please email jessica@wildoxfordshire.org.uk if you would like to bring one.
Location: Kirtlington Village Hall, 1 South Green, Kirtlington, OX5 3HJ
What 3 words: dries.carbonate.surprised
Parking: There is on-site parking available. Please car share where possible.
Refreshments: Tea, coffee, biscuits and cake will be available throughout the day. Please bring your own lunch.
10:30 = Attendee Arrivals - Tea and Coffee
10:50 = Welcome and Introduction to Themes by Charlotte Moss
11:00 - 11:45 = ‘Roadside Verges' by Craig Blackwell
11:50 - 12:35 = ‘Getting Connected' by Chris Powels
12:35 - 13:20 = Lunch (bring your own), Tea and Coffee - Networking
13:25 - 14:00 = Round Table of Updates - all
14:05 - 14:50 = 'A Hedge in Time - a Local Network Approach to Creating Wildlife Corridors’ by Catriona Bass and Rachel Murphy
15:00 - 16:00 = Guided walks including: ‘Kirtlington’s Hedgehog Super Highway’ with Chris Powels and ‘Wildflowers and the Village Pond’ with Ian Stone