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Sonde Data Overview

Earthwatch have deployed 4 RS Hydro Proteus Sondes in the Evenlode Catchment, in rivers upstream and downstream of twoSewage Treatment Works. These are automated, real-time water quality sensors. 10 water quality parameters are being measured at 15 minute intervals. Three of these parameters will be presented in this page.

The high frequency data produced by the Sondes is being used to compare the water quality upstream and downstream of SewageTreatment Works to investigate chronic pollution. This site-specific work is supporting the Citizen Science and Environment Agency monitoring that is being undertaken at a wider scale across the catchment.

Understanding the Data - Water Quality Parameters

Temperature affects biological and physical processes, so it provides important context for the other measurements. For example, warmer water can hold a greater amount of dissolved oxygen than colder water, and conductance also increases with temperature. Water temperature would be expected to be warmer in the daytime than at night, and warmer in the summer than in the winter. Temperature of wastewater effluent is often warmer than water in rivers.

Dissolved Oxygen
Dissolved oxygen is the amount of oxygen present in the water that is available to support aquatic life. Photosynthesis creates oxygen, as carbon dioxide is converted into sugars using sunlight, so dissolved oxygen will be higher during the daytime, especially in the summer months when plants and algae are most active. Dissolved oxygen is reduced when plant and organic matter is being decomposed by bacteria.

Specific Conductivity
This is the ability of the water to pass an electrical current. Salts, minerals, and inorganic substances help water to conduct electricity, while organic substances reduce conductivity. Conductance is usually defined by geology. Since the Evenlode rises from underlying limestone, a relatively high conductance is expected because limestone is easily dissolved in water. Large, sudden changes in conductivity usually indicate some kind of disturbance, such as sudden soil erosion or a pollution event.

You can view the data directly below or read our report with our analysis and comments


Chipping Norton

Thanks to RS Hydro for the Sonde Data Charts

ECP Mapping Assets

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